
For and in behalf of the John Walker Family Organization, I want to thank you all, everyone of you, for your assistance in making this volume possible. This volume is the product of our work for nearly five years.

In the beginning, much deserved credit and appreciation goes to my wife, Georgia, for her sacrifice and patience during the time when the Second Edition manuscript was being prepared.

This volume is made possible through the use of a word processor in a computer which was purchased in 1980. Thanks are given to a committee who were picked to search for a reliable computer and a printer and to those who have made generous contributions toward the purchase of the computer.

Since the John Walker family is growing and outpacing the gathering of records, many branch genealogists were appointed. They have given their time and financial means in gathering records in their own branches. They and those who have helped them deserve a large share of thanks from the family organization.

Due to passing of time, many records were found to be outdated. It was necessary to send out proofs to all families for their help in updating and verification. Thousands of letters were mailed out but less than half of the letters remained unanswered. Thanks are given to all those who have replied to the requests for information, to verify proofs and also who have contributed financial means to push the Second Edition along. The list of those is too long to be mentioned.

Heart felt thanks are given to all those who have placed orders with remittances and who have helped push the project toward the goal of 1000 copies which is necessary to bring success toward publishing this volume.

Gratitude is also felt for the officers, past and present, of the family organization for their support and to keep the family organization going on with board meetings and reunions. The officers of this family organization also want to express their thanks to all those who have given their support by any means and for their attending reunions in past years.

Salt Lake City, Utah
March 1985

Rodney W. Walker

Ancestry and Descendants of John Walker : Read more from this book.

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