If you are a descendant of Hyrum Smith, please follow these simple steps to view the family genealogy database online:
- Create a Free Account on Ancestry.com or Log in if you are already a member.
- Request access to the Hyrum Smith Family Tree on Ancestry.com by sending an e-mail to webmaster@hyrumsmith.org with the following information: Please provide your full name, including your maiden name as applicable, how you descend from Hyrum Smith, your preferred e-mail address, and your Ancestry.com username. If you have created an account on this web site, also send your Username.
- After you have been verified as a family member, you will receive an e-mail with an invitation to see our family tree on Ancestry.com. Click on the link in the e-mail.
You will now have access to the Family Tree. Please feel free to submit information to help keep our records up-to-date.
If you get stuck, or have any questions, please contact Jared F. Glade at webmaster@hyrumsmith.org or 385-225-5265.